Counter Cave

The Counter Cave – Culinary Vision’s latest innovative product designed for the storing and preserving of your gourmet cheeses. Using new technologies, the Counter Cave creates a controlled environment that helps in aging your cheeses. This appliance is truly unique and one of a kind, a must have in all cheese lovers homes.

Controlled by you on your smartphone, Alexa, or Google Assist from anywhere, you can always check up on the cave to see how it’s doing. Culinary Vision also offers access to recipes, education, and more with their “SmartChef” companion app. Now you can not only have the perfect cheeses, but you also can take a look at some great recipes as well.

The unique design of the Counter Cave allows you to see inside of it, checking up on your cheese if you’d like to. It’s also a great way to show off your gourmet cheeses as they should be. The platter inside is also removable, allowing you to serve yourself or guests with it anywhere in your home.

With an aesthetically pleasing design, you can be assured that the Counter Cave will look great in your home. It’s a perfect size to fit anywhere in your kitchen, and not only that but the overall design of it gives off a luxurious feel. You won’t have to worry about an unattractive appliance in the middle of your kitchen taking up too much space.

To top it off, the Counter Cave is actually a very quiet and low energy appliance. There won’t be  any loud noises coming from the cave as it’s regulating temperatures. It’s silent, and it won’t interrupt anything going on in the kitchen or any other room of the house.

Cheese can be so rich in flavor when you first buy it, and then the next day it’ll already begin to taste different after spending time in your fridge. Wouldn’t you want to experience high quality cheeses like they’re meant to be experienced? With the Counter Cave, this makes all of that possible.

Most people may not know, but your fridge is actually killing your cheese more than it’s preserving it. More than 3.5 billion dollars worth of cheese are thrown away every year in just the U.S. alone. The temperature and humidity in fridges are all wrong for cheese, and they actually end up destroying everything about the cheese. While we all seem to store our cheese in the fridge, it’s actually the reason we have to keep throwing it away.

The Counter Cave is currently a project on Indiegogo, and if you’d like to get your hands on one as soon as they’re available, take a visit to their page here. The cave is perfect for anyone who loves cheese, so even if you’re not the cheese lover then surprise someone in the family with it. Support Culinary Vision’s innovative technology by backing their product today.